Transponder Key Basics

Here at Charlotte Mobile Locksmith, our expert automotive lock replacement and lock repair experts travel directly to your vehicle’s location anywhere in the Charlotte, North Carolina area in order to help repair or replace transponder keys for vehicles of all types. Many people wonder about the differences between transponder keys and traditional car keys. In this blog entry, the expert transponder key programming technicians here at Charlotte Mobile Locksmith will detail the basics of transponder keys, and the vital information regarding our transponder key replacement services.

What are transponder keys?

The majority of cars made in the last 20 years use transponders as part of their anti-theft measures. Transponder keys use microchips to send a low-level signal from a key to a remote receiver inside a vehicle. The microchip is programmed with a unique serial number – and utilizing radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, the receiver must receive the proper serial number from the transponder microchip to unlock or open. Transponder keys are often used with home security systems and car locks, as well as with gates and garage doors. When transponder keys are inserted in the ignition, a signal is sent to the receiver near the ignition, and if the digital serial number in the transponder matches the one programmed in the car, it will start when the driver turns the key.

Why are transponder keys considered more secure?

Transponder keys help deter and prevent automotive theft by making the ‘hot wiring’ technique completely ineffective. When cars don’t detect the transponder key’s serial number and/or microchip, it won’t start. Transponder keys digital ID is completely unique. Digital identities have more combinations possible than cuts on a mechanical key, making it a much lower chance that someone else’s key could be used in your car. However, transponder keys aren’t 100% vulnerable to hacking software.

How can I copy my transponder key?

If you need replacement transponder keys or copies of your existing transponder key, the automotive lock and key experts here at Charlotte Mobile Locksmith have answers for you. Our team comes directly to your location and utilizes the same technology as car dealerships to program brand new transponder keys to code to match your vehicle, or to copy your existing transponder keys into transponder key blanks.

Can I program transponder keys myself?

No, only a licensed automotive locksmith or car dealership can program your transponder key.

How long does it take to program transponder keys?

Transponder keys can be programmed in just a couple of minutes, with a little more time necessary if you want to make key copies. Charlotte Mobile Locksmith can easily cut a brand new transponder key using your VIN.